
 Q.) Once I have the discount certificate(s) how will I know what to do?

A.) Simple instructions are printed on the front of each certificate.

Q.) Can I redeem a certain type of certificate more than once? Example, can I redeem a certificate offering certain discounts 3 times if I wanted?

A.) You can redeem a certificate 1 time per year per family. If you received a cert as a gift from a person or obtained one from a business that is authorized to carry multiple different "types" of discount certs like the one that you've just obtained then each certificate is "one" cert redemption “per” household “per year”, per TYPE of cert. The receiver of the cert(s) can only redeem "one" type of cert per household per year. Example, if you bought 5 different "types" of certs each offering discounts for something different, then you can redeem all 5 one time, but you cannot redeem all 5 more than once (i.e., meaning you cannot redeem all 5 twice in one year).

Additionally; if there is another person living in your household (perhaps a roommate) who would like to redeem those same 5 certs that you've already redeemed, then the roommate can redeem those same 5 certs ONLY if he/she is registering in a different name, address, and email address.

Q.) What is the redemption process and how do we redeem a certificate?

A.) Certs can be redeemed online (the website address to redeem certs is featured on the front of each cert). To redeem a cert you will need to visit the redemption website and enter your email address and the certificate id number.

You will need to read the terms and conditions and accept them before you make your payment (redemption fee). Once you make the payment you will receive the information right away or by email.

Q.) Do the discount certificates ever expire?

A.) No, the certificates do not expire, however, for the vacation discount certs (if you have one).....once a person redeems the certificate they have to turn in the vacation forms within 30 days and can travel anytime within the next 15 months. But the certificates [themselves] never expire.

Q.) Since the discount certificates never expire can I make printed copies of the discount certificates and pass them out to family/friends to be redeemed?

A.) No! It is impossible for the same discount certificate to be redeemed twice. Here's why: each certificate has its own unique “Certificate ID number” printed on the front of each cert so you cannot make printed copies of multiple certs to be redeemed by multiple people because each time a discount certificate is redeemed, the fact that it has its own unique ID number makes it impossible for 2 or more people to redeem the same certificate. This was done to prevent dishonesty. Your friend(s)/relative(s) would need to have their own discount cert(s), they cannot redeem the same exact cert that you or someone else has already redeemed.

Q.) Do the discount certificates require you to attend a timeshare or seminar?

A.) No, absolutely not! You are not obligated to attend a timeshare or seminar, however, for the vacation discount certificates (if you have one) the resort may offer you extra bonuses if you decide to take a tour, however, nobody is required to take a tour. Once you redeem a discount certificate, there are NO strings attached! Enjoy!